Thank you Ms Campbell & Year 7 Creatives

The Information Hub of the school welcomes your donations, because we share with everyone – without fear or favour.  If you are a member of our school community (parents too), you can borrow our resources. Just ask and we’ll add you to our database.  Students and staff are added automatically and can access eBooks as well.  If you need help to do that, visit our catalogue  online, or ask the library staff.

We wish to thank Smithfield teacher, Ms Natalie Campbell for her recent donation of dozens of Young Adult and adult titles.  We can always use more good books.  Knowing Ms Campbell, they will be novels that are  good for the soul as well as for entertainment and literacy.


Having recently hosted Primary Industries and Non-Fiction November, currently our intricately made Year 7 Ancient Rome dioramas are proving a curiosity. Thank  you for the display Year 7.  We wish we could answer all the questions from patrons.  In future, we will need to ask  creators to caption their work. Our visitors want to know things like:  Who made them?  How the various elements were made?  Where they found their information? If you own one of the dioramas please come in next week and we’ll caption your project together.


We are asking for your opinion, so check your emails.  If you haven’t completed your quick library survey in the past week,  you can do it here:  

Social Media and Job Searching



We’ve waved farewell to our Year 10’s, 11’s and 12’s this month. Permanently in the case of Year 12’s.  Now’s the time to consider how your social media profile can count when searching for a job. A digital footprint of which you can be proud, is one quite important aspect of your global citizenship – one of our 6 C’s of education in the 21st Century.

These snapshots remind us to consider how a prospective employer will screen you online before deciding to hire you. Check out the full infographic on   Clicking on the link takes you to the most common mistakes to make online and how to correct them.


Altruism in the form of donating or volunteering is obviously highly valued by everyone in our community – not just employers.
