Documentary Sites

This is our first blog post for nearly a term. We’ve  featured some funky library displays while the school website was under repair.   The centrepiece of our Extreme Sports display was a canoe!  Lately they’ve been more low key, with some wonderful self-portraits and sculptures decorating our Mental Health Week display last week. (featured). This week is National Nutrition week.  Check whether we made the right decisions about which foods earn a healthy TICK or an unhealthy CROSS.  Browse the latest edition of New Scientist magazine for the full story about how the foods we eat have been  modifying our genes.


The focus of this blog post however is Documentaries.  We have bookmarked some interesting directories where you can go to watch documentaries.  Youtube may be the most popular repository of films on the net, but you will agree, not all are of any educational value.  That’s because every man and his dog can upload their home movies and mash ups. The documentary sites we link to, point to at least 5 sites where films have been selected by the site because they have educational value.

Your teachers will have shown you many films using our school based index of films – Clickview.  We update this digital collection of films every week. You are free to search “Clickview Player” and watch films that interest you or finish watching a movie you stared in class.  You can even take them home on your USB drive to watch them at home.  You do have to download and install the Clickview Player on your home computer or your new laptop first.  We have updated a pamphlet with instructions about how to do this, and copies are located at the loans desk for you to take.  Or you can view instructional tutorials by clicking on the links above.