Comedy or Romance?

February has been a real mixed bag with Valentine’s Day reading as well as Humour (February’s theme for the National year of Reading). Teddy Bears helped us highlight some romances and relationships novels, but joke books, cartoon books and humorous fiction are still on display.


Mrs Dowling

My favourite place to read is by a resort swimming pool. Otherwise on my back deck.  I’m currently reading A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. My favourite author is Paullina Simons.  My daughter’s book collection already supersedes mine. So most of our books are in the lounge room where they can easily be accessed.  The last book I bought someone was “The Red Tent” by anita Diamant.

Some of my most memorable reads are:

“Looking for Alibrandi” Melina Marchetta,  Bronze Horseman” Paullina Simons, “Up the Duff” Kaz Cooke

As a child, I loved the Baby Sitters Club Series by Ann M. Martin and the Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton. I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, but was rather disappointed by the movie. Sometimes good books, are best left that way.


Donation of Books               

Thank you to Mr Jack Cowan and Mrs Ilona Born who have recently donated books to our library. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Can’t find  scholarly references in your information search?  Try Google Scholar, or better yet Hirewire  Journal Database

Books Mov(i)ed into Films

Our new easel sign announces our occasional need to highlight a book which has been made into a film. With the upcoming release of Tom Hanks’  latest film, “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”, Taylor Ives has ‘drawn’ our attention to the fact that we can view this text at the cinema at the moment. Which do you think is better  – book or movie?